Majumder, Sanjay and Benjamin D. Smith. “Music Recombination Using a Genetic Algorithm.” Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). International Computer Music Association, Michigan: 2018.
Cox, Robin and Benjamin D. Smith. “Big Tent-Field Testing a Portable Venue for Multimedia Performing Arts.” Proc. of the Ammerman Center for Arts & Technology 16th Biennial Symposium, New London, Connecticut, 2018, pp. 14-18.
Smith, Benjamin D. and Guy E. Garnett. “Machine Listening: ART and the Intelligent Acoustic Interface.” Paper presented to the 2nd University of Illinois Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Urbana, Illinois, January, 2012.
Smith, Benjamin D. “Beethoven's Romance With Infinite Caprice: The 'Righini Variations', WoO 65.” Arietta, the journal of the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe, 2007.