Scans through code and scaffolds out the comment blocks used by Doxygen to jump start code documentation and catch missing comment areas. Currently parses Python, working towards using the same process to document MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
Git repo
Variable Order Markov Models translated and implemented in c++. Based on Java library from Begleiter et. al. Includes the following predictors: Binary CTW, LZms, Decomposed CTW, PPMC, PST.
Git repo
Unity Asset package implementing voxel rendering using Marching Cubes and Dual Contouring.
Machine learning toolkit for Max, available directly through the Max Package Manager. Available for Max and Windows, with help patches and 'tutorials'. With current consumer hardware it is possible to run advanced machine learning algorithms in demanding artistic performance situations, yet expertise remains a prominent entry barrier for most would-be users. The ml.star toolbox of unsupervised machine learning algorithms supports real-time interactive music and video, aimed at the non-expert computer artist.