A research project in interactive, real-time spatialization over n-speaker arrays, with a focus on ease of use and quick configuration and responsive play.
From ArraYnger: New Interface for Interactive 360° Spatialization (NIME 2017):
“Interactive real-time spatialization of audio over large immersive speaker arrays poses significant interface and control challenges for live performers. Fluidly moving and mixing numerous sound objects over unique speaker configurations requires specifically designed software interfaces and systems. Currently available software solutions either impose configuration limitations, require extreme degrees of expertise, or extensive configuration time to use. A new system design, focusing on simplicity, ease of use, and live interactive spatialization is described. Automation of array calibration and tuning is included to facilitate rapid deployment and configuration. Comparisons with other solutions show favorability in terms of complexity, depth of control, and required features.”
Anderson, Neal and Benjamin D. Smith. “ArraYnger: New Interface for Interactive 360° Spatialization.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2017. Copenhagen: NIME, 2017.
Andersen, Neal and Benjamin D. Smith. “Relative Sound Localization for Sources in Haphazard Speaker Array.” Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). Michigan: 2016.